星期三, 六月 11, 2008


  继续推荐歌曲,本人作为Nightwish的Fans,今天推荐他们的《Century Child》专辑中的一首歌曲《Bless The Child》.

《Bless The Child》.

"I was born amidst the purple waterfalls.
I was weak, yet not unblessed.
Dead to the world. Alive for the journey.
One night I dreamt a white rose withering,
a newborn drowning a lifetime loneliness.
I dreamt all my future. Relived my past.
A witnessed the beauty of the beast"

Where have all the feelings gone?
Why has all the laughter ceased?

Why am I loved only when I'm gone?
Gone back in time to bless the child
Think of me long enough to make a memory
Come bless the child one more time

How can I ever feel again?
Given the chance would I return?

I've never felt so alone in my life
As I drank from a cup which was counting my time
There's a poison drop in this cup of Man
To drink it is to follow the left hand path

"Where have all the feelings gone?
Why is the deadliest sin - to love as I loved you?
Now unblessed, homesick in time,
soon to be freed from care, from human pain.
My tale is the most bitter truth:
Time pays us but with earth & dust, and a dark, silent grave.
Remember, my child: Without innocence the cross is only iron,
hope is only an illusion & Ocean Soul's nothing but a name...

The Child bless thee & keep thee forever"



   2010年之前的信息已经无从找到太多的痕迹,照片、日志都没有什么太多的记录。也许哪一天回想起来,我们再补充这一部分的内容。   《三渣树之恋》是那个时间段比较有影响力的电影,虽然我没有去电影院看过,但和丹丹还是一起在家里补习了电影。这电影算是当年的纯爱风吧,情节已不太记得起...